Management and Troubleshooting of ECMO Complications

This On-Demand lecture will discuss the spectrum of possible complications on ECMO, their recognition and management as well as strategies to enhance safety. Bleeding, clotting, hypoxia, and mechanical and device related complications as well as troubleshooting are discussed. PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.


Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) has been established as lifesaving therapy for the most severe cases of respiratory and cardiac failure. It remains however a highly invasive therapy bringing about considerable risk for complications. This On-Demand lecture will discuss the spectrum of possible complications on ECMO, their recognition and management as well as strategies to enhance safety. Bleeding, clotting, hypoxia, and mechanical and device related complications as well as troubleshooting are discussed.

PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar. 

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