On-Demand Webinars

Select educational offerings are available On-Demand. Please select the course below to register. An email will be sent containing the On-Demand webinar link. Simply enter your name and email address to attend at your convenience.
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Management and Troubleshooting of ECMO Complications

This On-Demand lecture will discuss the spectrum of possible complications on ECMO, their recognition and management as well as strategies to enhance safety. Bleeding, clotting, hypoxia, and mechanical and device related complications as well as troubleshooting are discussed. PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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Vascular Access for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (Recorded)

This recorded webinar will review characteristics associated with catheters used for CKRT, evidence regarding catheter insertion sites, size, and positions, effects of vascular access on circuit life, potential complications associated with catheter access and key distinctions between catheter dysfunction and catheter failure. PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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The Basics of Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy (Recorded)

Join Dr. Matthew Trainor of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center as he takes a deep dive into CKRT definition and associated therapies, modality/mechanism of action, and prescription components and common terminology. PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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Utilization of PIRKT as a Transitional Dialysis Program (Recorded)

This presentation will discuss how an acute care hospital utilized Prolonged Intermittent Renal Kidney Therapy (PIKRT) as a transitional dialysis program after disruption of traditional hemodialysis. The process improvement workout, policy development, education and training processes will be reviewed. PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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The Uphill Battle: The Role of Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy in the Patient Journey (Recorded)

Are you ready to deepen your understanding of Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy (CKRT) and its pivotal role in transplant medicine? Join us for an enlightening On-Demand webinar designed specifically for healthcare providers involved in transplant care where we will deliver expert insights on CKRT, as well as real-life experiences.

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Striking the Balance: Fluid Management During CKRT (Recorded)

This recorded webinar will provide a comprehensive summary of the current literature on fluid management in critically ill patients receiving continuous kidney replacement therapy. It will cover nuances of fluid removal and fluid balance in the clinical setting and discuss several key clinical trials that are currently underway in this domain. PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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Basics of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (Recorded)

This recorded webinar will review: · Indications and contraindications of plasma exchange · Explanation of equipment, personnel, preparation, and technique in regards to plasma exchange · Review of the potential complications and clinical significance of plasma exchange PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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Hemocompatibility in ECMO Systems: Technical Considerations, Monitoring, and Management

Key technical considerations include selecting biocompatible materials for ECMO components and optimizing flow dynamics to reduce shear stress. Monitoring involves regularly checking coagulation markers, platelet counts, and haemolysis indicators to detect and manage thrombotic or bleeding events. Observing circuit components, flow- and pressure changes during treatment and if necessary, replacing components can avoid complications and improve device performance.

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Coagulation Management During ECMO

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is a technique used to provide temporary respiratory and/or cardiac support in critically ill patients that includes a mechanical pump and oxygenator connected to patients. Anticoagulation therapy with specific monitoring is required to prevent clot formation in the ECMO circuit; however, reports have explored the feasibility of conducting ECMO without anticoagulation in patients at high risk of bleeding.

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Elevating Patient Care through ECMO System Insights (Recorded)

This recorded webinar will explore how to use information from ECMO systems to: · Gain insight from ECMO system trends designed to improve troubleshooting and keep your patient on support · Support your ability to manage both the ECMO circuit and patient · Augment your programs’ ECMO training to compress new ECMO Specialist’s learning curve PLEASE NOTE: CE credits not available for viewing this recorded webinar.

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